Local Honey can relieve your suffering from seasonal allergies

The concept of using honey for health benefits is not new at all.  In fact, honey was used as a medicine dated back to 1900BC where Sumerian used honey in 30% of medicines.  Ancient Egyptians also used honey as a medicine for internal and external uses.  There were used by ancient Egyptians to treat diseases, ulcers, weakness and inflammation of eyes.  In addition, honey is also frequently mentioned in the Bible where the Jews use honey to make one more mentally keen.  Hippocrates also considered honey as a very good cough medication. 

Recently, numerous people have benefited and count on local honeys to build up their immunity to seasonal allergies.   In fact, doctors all over the world have been recommending patients to taking local honey as alternatives to allergy medications which might have some adverse side-effects. 

It is intuitive that eating honey relieves allergies.   Honey bees in your neighborhood travel from flowers to flowers collecting nectar from the same plants that are giving you allergy symptoms.  The honeys collected by these bees contain bits and pieces of the same pollens from these plants.  So, by eating these very same honey made by the bees from your area, the honey will often act as an immune system booster to reduce your allergy symptoms to local flowering plants. 

It is great idea to source honey that is raised as close as possible to where you live to rip the most benefit.  Once you obtain your local honey, start taking 2 to 3 spoonfuls each day for several months prior to pollen season.  You will likely see big difference in your body to cope with allergies. 

Many people have questioned about how local these honeys have to be to get the most allergy relief.  It is great idea to consume local honeys that are about 50 mile radius from where you live and work.  These are the area where the vegetations are releasing the pollens in to the air that are giving you allergies. 

When purchasing these local honeys, make sure that these local honeys are also seasonally-correct.  You want to build-up immunity to these same pollens that are airborne right now.  You may want to consume honeys that are harvested during the season that it is now in to rip the most benefit. 

Numerous people tried local honey and gave up within few days thinking that it will not help.  It will take some time to slowly for your body to build up the immunity with ingestion of these local honey.  The result should be well worth it compared to taking medications which doesn't fix the root cause of the problems. 

In addition, honey has many other health benefits.  It is rich in vitamins and minerals and a great source of antioxidant. 

Start adding few teaspoons of all natural local honey to your diet to have a healthier life.